Sunday 2 September 2012

Getting Ready to Go

Every so often ministers from the Baptist Union of Great Britain have the opportunity to go on Sabbatical - a time away from normal pastoral duties in which they can be spiritually refreshed and have opportunities for new learning and experiences. Last year the deacons and members at Llanwenarth Baptist Church were gracious enough to allow me such an opportunity this year in September and October.                                                        Having decided on the when, the where was fairly obvious, as we have had long term links with churches in Zimbabwe and Malawi, through Baptist Missionary Society (BMS World Misssion: and the Raven Trust ( And so the planning got under way, and here we are, ready to go.
The Raven Trust are part of the close link that has existed between Malawi and Scotland over many years, it being one of the areas closely associated with Dr Livingstone. Somehow we began sending sewing machines out to Malawi via Strachur on Loch Fyne. Over the years the link has grown, and now I am off to spend a month with the Presbyterian Church in the north of the country.
And of course, BMS World Mission is the obvious mission based organisation for all Baptist churches in the United Kingdom. Over some years, out link missionaries have been Kevin and Gill Jones. Their work began in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, but a few years ago they moved to Bulawayo in Zimbabwe. They have visited us twice on furlough from Zimbabwe, and in October I will be spending two weeks with the projects they have helped over the years.
And so, after many injections and much kindness and good wishes, I fly from Birmingham International on Thursday.

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